
Mastering the Art of Project Management for Successful APP Development

“APP Incharge” or “APP Project Management” refers to the process of planning, organizing, and overseeing the development of a software application or project from start to finish. The app or project manager is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

The role of an app incharge or project manager of the app typically involves the following tasks:

  1. Defining project scope and objectives: The project manager starts by defining the project scope, objectives, and deliverables. This involves working with stakeholders to understand their requirements and expectations.
  2. Developing a project plan: The project manager creates a project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, and resources required to complete the project. This plan serves as a roadmap for the project team and helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  3. Managing project resources: The project manager is responsible for managing the project resources, including people, budget, and equipment. This involves assigning tasks to team members, tracking progress, and managing project risks and issues.
  4. Monitoring project progress: The project manager monitors project progress to ensure that the project is on track and within budget. This involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and adjusting the project plan as needed.
  5. Communicating with stakeholders: The project manager communicates regularly with stakeholders to provide updates on project progress, discuss any issues or risks, and obtain feedback.
  6. Ensuring quality: The project manager is responsible for ensuring that the project meets the required quality standards. This involves conducting quality assurance checks and testing to identify and resolve any issues.
  7. Closing the project: Once the project is complete, the project manager is responsible for closing out the project. This involves documenting the project results, conducting a post-project review, and transitioning the project deliverables to the appropriate stakeholders.

Hence, the app incharge or app project manager plays a critical role in ensuring that software development projects are completed successfully. They are responsible for planning, executing, and monitoring the project to ensure that it is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

What are some common challenges that app project managers face, and how do they typically address them?

There are several common challenges that project managers may face during the course of a project. Here are some of them and how project managers typically address them:

  1. Scope creep: This refers to the tendency for the project scope to expand beyond its original boundaries. Project managers can address scope creep by establishing clear project objectives and scope boundaries, and by using change control processes to manage any changes to the project scope.
  2. Resource constraints: Project managers may face resource constraints, such as limited budget, staff, or time. To address this challenge, project managers need to prioritize tasks, allocate resources effectively, and communicate clearly with stakeholders about any resource limitations.
  3. Communication breakdowns: Communication breakdowns can occur when project team members or stakeholders are not communicating effectively or misunderstand project requirements. Project managers can address this challenge by establishing clear communication channels, setting expectations for communication, and facilitating regular communication among team members and stakeholders.
  4. Risk management: Project managers need to identify and manage project risks to ensure that the project stays on track. This involves identifying potential risks, assessing their likelihood and impact, and developing strategies to mitigate or manage them.
  5. Quality control: Project managers need to ensure that the project meets quality standards and requirements. This involves establishing quality control processes, conducting regular quality checks, and addressing any quality issues that arise.
  6. Team management: Project managers need to manage project team members effectively to ensure that they are motivated, productive, and working towards project goals. This involves setting clear expectations, providing feedback and support, and resolving any conflicts or issues that arise among team members.

Overall, app project managers or incharge must be able to adapt to changing circumstances, manage risks and conflicts, and ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards. Effective communication, collaboration, and leadership skills are key to successfully managing these challenges.

Digital Marketing: Unlocking Online Potential

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the practice of using digital channels and technologies to promote products, services, or brands. With the widespread adoption of the internet, social media, and mobile devices, digital marketing has become an essential component of any modern marketing strategy.

There are several types of digital marketing channels that businesses can use, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising (PPC). Each of these channels has its strengths and can be used in different ways to reach and engage with target audiences.

What are the advantages of Digital Marketing?

One of the key advantages of digital marketing is its ability to target specific audiences with relevant and personalized content. This can be achieved through a variety of tactics, such as analyzing user data, segmenting audiences, and creating buyer personas.

Another advantage of digital marketing is its measurability. Digital channels allow businesses to track and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies for better results.

However, digital marketing also presents several challenges. With so many businesses competing for online attention, it can be challenging to stand out and capture the attention of target audiences. Additionally, the constantly evolving digital landscape requires businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, trends, and best practices to remain competitive.

Overall, digital marketing is a critical component of any modern marketing strategy. By leveraging the power of digital channels and technologies, businesses can reach and engage with their target audiences in more effective and personalized ways, ultimately driving growth and success in the digital age.

What are the Key Factors of Digital Marketing?


There are several key factors that are important in digital marketing. Here are some of the most essential ones:

  • Audience Understanding: Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating effective digital marketing campaigns. This includes knowing their demographics, interests, behaviors, pain points, and motivations.
  • Clear Goals: Setting clear goals and objectives is essential in digital marketing. Without specific goals, it can be challenging to measure success and determine whether your campaigns are effective.
  • Relevant and Valuable Content: Providing valuable and relevant content that aligns with the needs and interests of your target audience is essential. This can include blog posts, social media updates, videos, podcasts, and other types of content.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintaining consistent branding across all digital channels is critical to building a strong brand image and increasing brand awareness.
  • Analytics and Data: Analytics and data provide valuable insights into your audience, campaign performance, and opportunities for improvement. Regularly tracking and analyzing this data can help you make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for better results.
  • SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for increasing visibility and driving traffic to your website. Optimizing your website for search engines can help you rank higher in search results and attract more qualified leads.
  • Social Media Presence: Having a strong social media presence can help you connect with your target audience and promote your brand. Consistently posting engaging and relevant content on social media can help you increase followers, drive traffic to your website, and improve brand awareness.

Overall, the key factor in digital marketing is a strategic and data-driven approach that focuses on providing value to your target audience and achieving specific business goals.

Why is Digital Marketing important?

Digital marketing is important for several reasons:

  1. Reach a wider audience: Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a global audience, regardless of their location. With the internet and social media, businesses can connect with customers from around the world, which is not possible with traditional marketing methods.
  2. Cost-effective: Digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods. For example, advertising on social media platforms or search engines is often less expensive than print or television advertising.
  3. Personalized targeting: Digital marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences based on their interests, demographics, and behaviors. This means that businesses can personalize their marketing messages to resonate better with their target audience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  4. Measurable results: Digital marketing allows businesses to track and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time. This means that businesses can make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns for better results.
  5. Builds brand awareness and reputation: Digital marketing can help businesses build brand awareness and reputation by creating valuable content that educates and entertains their target audience. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and trust.

What are the types of Digital Marketing?

There are several types of digital marketing, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. Here are some of the most common types:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing websites and online content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords and phrases. The goal of SEO is to increase organic traffic and improve visibility in search engines, ultimately leading to higher rankings, more clicks, and more conversions.

There are several key elements to SEO, including:
  1. Keyword research: Keyword research involves identifying the most relevant and high-traffic keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. This is important for optimizing your content to match the search intent of your target audience.
  2. On-page optimization: On-page optimization involves optimizing the content, structure, and HTML code of your website to improve its relevance, usability, and search engine friendliness. This includes optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and content structure.
  3. Off-page optimization: Off-page optimization involves building high-quality backlinks to your website from other relevant and authoritative websites. This can help improve your website’s authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines.
  4. Technical optimization: Technical optimization involves optimizing your website’s technical aspects, such as page speed, mobile-friendliness, and security. These technical factors can have a significant impact on your website’s search engine rankings and user experience.
  5. Content creation: Creating high-quality and relevant content is critical for SEO success. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and other types of content that address the needs and interests of your target audience.

SEO is a complex and ongoing process that requires ongoing analysis, monitoring, and optimization. However, the benefits of SEO can be significant, including increased organic traffic, improved visibility and credibility, and higher conversions and revenue.

2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a digital marketing model where advertisers pay a fee every time someone clicks on one of their ads. PPC ads typically appear at the top and bottom of search engine results pages (SERPs) and on other online platforms like social media and display networks.

PPC advertising involves creating and targeting ads based on specific keywords, demographics, behaviors, and other targeting criteria. Advertisers bid on the keywords and targeting criteria they want their ads to appear for, and the search engine or advertising platform displays the ads based on their relevance, quality score, and bid amount.

There are several key benefits to PPC advertising, including:
  1. Targeted traffic: PPC advertising allows advertisers to reach a highly targeted audience based on specific keywords and other targeting criteria. This can lead to higher click-through rates and conversions.
  2. Cost-effective: With PPC advertising, advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad, making it a cost-effective way to drive targeted traffic to their website or landing page.
  3. Measurable results: PPC advertising platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads provide detailed analytics and reporting, allowing advertisers to track and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in real-time.
  4. Flexibility: PPC advertising allows advertisers to adjust their targeting, bidding, and ad creative in real-time based on performance and changing business needs.

However, PPC advertising can also be complex and competitive, requiring ongoing optimization, monitoring, and analysis to achieve optimal results. Successful PPC campaigns often incorporate a mix of targeting, ad creative, and bidding strategies to achieve their goals, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or driving sales.

3. Social Media Marketing

SMM is a form of digital marketing that involves using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote products or services, build brand awareness, and engage with customers. Social media marketing can take many forms, including organic social media posts, paid social media ads, influencer marketing, and social media contests and giveaways.

Here are some key elements of a successful social media marketing strategy:
  1. Audience targeting: Effective social media marketing starts with understanding your target audience and their interests, behaviors, and preferences. This can help you create relevant and engaging content that resonates with your audience and drives engagement and conversions.
  2. Content creation: Creating high-quality and engaging content is critical for social media marketing success. This can include social media posts, videos, images, infographics, and other types of content that align with your brand’s voice and messaging.
  3. Community management: Social media marketing involves engaging with your followers and responding to their comments, messages, and feedback. This can help build trust and loyalty with your audience and foster a sense of community around your brand.
  4. Paid social media advertising: Paid social media advertising allows you to target specific audiences with highly targeted and relevant ads. This can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic, leads, and sales to your website or landing page.
  5. Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing involves partnering with individuals who have a large following on social media or other online platforms to promote your products or services. This can help reach a wider audience and build trust and credibility with your target market.
  6. Analytics and reporting: Social media marketing requires ongoing analysis and monitoring to track performance, measure results, and optimize campaigns. This can involve using analytics tools like Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, or Google Analytics to track engagement, clicks, and conversions.

Effective social media marketing can help build brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions and revenue. However, it also requires ongoing effort and strategic planning to achieve optimal results.

4. Content Marketing

It is a strategic marketing approach that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience, with the goal of driving profitable customer action. Content marketing can take many forms, including blog posts, videos, social media posts, infographics, ebooks, white papers, podcasts, and more.

Here are some key elements of a successful content marketing strategy:
  1. Audience research: Effective content marketing starts with understanding your target audience and their needs, pain points, and interests. This can help you create content that resonates with your audience and provides value to them.
  2. Content creation: Creating high-quality and engaging content is critical for content marketing success. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content that align with your brand’s voice and messaging.
  3. Content distribution: Once you have created your content, you need to distribute it to your target audience through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and content syndication. This can help increase your content’s reach and visibility.
  4. SEO optimization: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves researching and targeting relevant keywords, optimizing your meta tags and headers, and building high-quality backlinks to your content.
  5. Analytics and reporting: Content marketing requires ongoing analysis and monitoring to track performance, measure results, and optimize campaigns. This can involve using analytics tools like Google Analytics to track engagement, traffic, and conversions.

Effective content marketing can help build brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions and revenue. However, it also requires ongoing effort and strategic planning to achieve optimal results. A successful content marketing strategy requires a deep understanding of your target audience, high-quality content creation, distribution through multiple channels, and ongoing optimization based on analytics and performance metrics.

5. Email Marketing

It is a form of direct marketing that involves sending promotional or informative messages to a targeted group of people via email. Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach a large number of people and can be used to build relationships with customers, drive sales, and promote brand awareness.

Here are some key elements of a successful email marketing strategy:
  1. Email list building: Effective email marketing starts with building a high-quality email list. This can be done by offering incentives like discounts or freebies to encourage people to subscribe to your email list, or by collecting email addresses from people who have already interacted with your brand.
  2. Segmentation and targeting: Segmentation and targeting involves dividing your email list into smaller groups based on common characteristics like demographics, interests, or behaviors. This allows you to send more personalized and relevant messages that are more likely to resonate with your audience.
  3. Email content creation: Creating high-quality and engaging email content is critical for email marketing success. This can include newsletters, promotional emails, welcome emails, and more. Your email content should be aligned with your brand’s voice and messaging and should provide value to your subscribers.
  4. Email design and formatting: Email design and formatting are also important for email marketing success. Your emails should be visually appealing, easy to read, and optimized for mobile devices.
  5. Email automation: Email automation allows you to send targeted and timely messages to your subscribers based on their behavior or preferences. This can include triggered emails like abandoned cart emails, welcome series, or re-engagement campaigns.
  6. Analytics and reporting: Email marketing requires ongoing analysis and monitoring to track performance, measure results, and optimize campaigns. This can involve using analytics tools like email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Effective email marketing can help build relationships with customers, drive sales, and promote brand awareness. However, it also requires ongoing effort and strategic planning to achieve optimal results. A successful email marketing strategy requires high-quality email list building, segmentation and targeting, engaging email content creation, effective email design and formatting, automation based on behavior and preferences, and ongoing optimization based on analytics and performance metrics.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where a business rewards one or more affiliates for each sale or lead generated through the affiliate’s marketing efforts. In other words, affiliates promote a company’s products or services to their own audience, and when a sale is made, the affiliate receives a commission.

Here are some key elements of a successful affiliate marketing strategy:
  1. Affiliate recruitment: The first step in affiliate marketing is to recruit affiliates who have a relevant audience for your products or services. This can be done by creating an affiliate program and promoting it through various channels, such as social media, affiliate networks, or targeted outreach.
  2. Affiliate tracking: Once you have recruited affiliates, you need to track their performance to ensure that they are driving results. This can be done using affiliate tracking software, which tracks clicks, sales, and other metrics to determine the commission owed to each affiliate.
  3. Affiliate promotion: Affiliates promote your products or services through various channels, such as their website, social media, email marketing, or paid advertising. They may use a range of tactics to promote your brand, such as creating product reviews, writing blog posts, or sharing promotional offers.
  4. Commission structure: The commission structure determines how much commission an affiliate receives for each sale or lead generated. This can vary depending on the product or service being promoted and the type of affiliate program.
  5. Affiliate management: Effective affiliate management involves building relationships with affiliates, providing them with the resources they need to promote your products or services, and providing regular communication and support.

Effective affiliate marketing can help drive sales, increase brand awareness, and expand your reach to new audiences. However, it also requires ongoing effort and strategic planning to achieve optimal results. A successful affiliate marketing strategy requires effective affiliate recruitment, tracking and management, engaging affiliate promotion, a clear commission structure, and ongoing optimization based on performance metrics.

7. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves partnering with individuals who have a strong following on social media or other digital platforms to promote a product, service, or brand. Influencers are typically individuals who have established a loyal and engaged audience through their content and personal brand.

Here are some key elements of a successful influencer marketing strategy:
  1. Influencer identification: The first step in influencer marketing is to identify potential influencers who have a relevant audience for your product or service. This can be done using social media tools or influencer marketing platforms, or by conducting manual research to find influencers in your niche.
  2. Influencer outreach: Once you have identified potential influencers, you need to reach out to them and establish a relationship. This can involve sending a personalized message or email, providing them with product samples or other incentives, and establishing clear expectations for the partnership.
  3. Campaign creation: The next step is to create a campaign that aligns with your brand and messaging, and that will resonate with the influencer’s audience. This can involve creating unique content, such as product reviews, tutorials, or sponsored posts, and providing the influencer with the resources they need to create engaging and high-quality content.
  4. Performance tracking: Effective influencer marketing requires ongoing monitoring and optimization to ensure that you are achieving your goals. This can involve tracking metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions, and adjusting your strategy based on the results.
  5. Influencer relationship management:

    Building strong relationships with influencers is critical for long-term success in influencer marketing. This involves providing regular communication and support, paying influencers on time, and showing appreciation for their efforts.

Effective influencer marketing can help build brand awareness, increase engagement, and drive sales. However, it also requires ongoing effort and strategic planning to achieve optimal results. A successful influencer marketing strategy requires effective influencer identification and outreach, engaging campaign creation, performance tracking and optimization, and strong influencer relationship management.

Each of these types of digital marketing has its own benefits and can be used in different ways to reach and engage with target audiences. Successful digital marketing strategies often incorporate a mix of these different types to achieve their goals.

How to create a digital marketing strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a business will use digital channels, tactics, and tools to achieve its marketing goals. A digital marketing strategy should align with the overall business goals, target audience, and budget, and should be based on data and insights.

Here are the key elements of a successful digital marketing strategy:
  1. Define your goals: The first step in developing a digital marketing strategy is to define your goals. This could be increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or increasing sales. It is important to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
  2. Identify your target audience: The next step is to identify your target audience. This involves understanding their needs, preferences, and behavior, and creating customer personas that represent your ideal customers.
  3. Conduct a competitive analysis: A competitive analysis helps you understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for differentiation. This involves researching your competitors’ digital marketing strategies, tactics, and channels.
  4. Choose your digital marketing channels: There are a wide range of digital marketing channels and tactics, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing. Based on your goals and target audience, you should choose the channels that will be most effective for your business.
  5. Create a content plan: Content marketing is a key element of digital marketing, and involves creating and distributing high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Your content plan should outline the types of content you will create, the channels you will use to distribute it, and the frequency of your content.
  6. Develop a budget:

    Your digital marketing budget should be based on your goals and the channels you have chosen. It is important to allocate your budget effectively to maximize ROI.

  7. Implement and optimize: Once you have developed your digital marketing strategy, it is important to implement it effectively and track your results. This involves monitoring key metrics such as website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, and making adjustments based on performance data.

A successful digital marketing strategy requires ongoing effort and optimization, and should be based on data-driven insights and a deep understanding of your target audience. By defining your goals, identifying your target audience, conducting a competitive analysis, choosing your digital marketing channels, creating a content plan, developing a budget, and implementing and optimizing your strategy, you can achieve your marketing goals and drive business growth.

Charting the Course for Growth: What it Takes to be a Successful Business Development Officer

A Business Development Officer is a senior-level professional who plays a critical role in driving the growth and success of an organization. Their primary responsibility is to identify and pursue new business opportunities that will help the company achieve its strategic goals and objectives.

In order to be successful in this role, a Business Development Officer must have a deep understanding of the organization’s products, services, and overall business strategy. They must be able to identify and analyze market trends, develop strategies to capitalize on new opportunities, and build strong relationships with key stakeholders and partners.

The specific responsibilities of a Business Development Officer can vary depending on the organization and industry. However, some of the key tasks and duties typically include:

  1. Market Analysis: Conducting research and analysis to identify potential new markets, trends, and opportunities that align with the organization’s overall goals and objectives.
  2. Sales and Business Planning: Developing and implementing sales and business plans that outline the organization’s growth strategies, target markets, and revenue targets.
  3. Relationship Building: Establishing and maintaining strong relationships with potential partners, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. This may involve attending networking events, conferences, and other industry events.
  4. Negotiation: Negotiating deals, contracts, and partnerships that are beneficial for the organization and its stakeholders.
  5. Project Management: Overseeing the implementation of new projects, initiatives, and partnerships to ensure they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.
  6. Metrics Tracking: Tracking and analyzing key performance metrics to evaluate the success of the organization’s business development activities, and making data-driven recommendations for improvement.
  7. Risk Management: Identifying potential risks and challenges associated with new business opportunities, and developing strategies to mitigate these risks.

In addition to these tasks and duties, s/he must also possess a range of skills and qualities that are essential to success in this role.


These include:

  1. Strategic Thinking: A Business Development Officer must be able to think strategically and identify opportunities that align with the organization’s overall goals and objectives.
  2. Communication: Effective communication is essential for success in business development, and s/he must be able to communicate effectively with stakeholders, partners, and customers.
  3. Leadership: A Business Development Officer must possess strong leadership skills and be able to motivate and inspire team members to achieve their goals.
  4. Analytical Skills: Strong analytical skills are essential for evaluating market trends, identifying potential new opportunities, and making data-driven recommendations.
  5. Relationship Building: Building strong relationships with stakeholders, partners, and customers is critical to success in business development, and s/he must be able to develop and maintain these relationships over time.

As a Business Development Officer, charting the course for growth requires a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, and strong relationship building skills.

Here are some key elements that are essential to being a successful Business Development Officer:

  1. Strategic Planning: A successful Business Development Officer has a clear understanding of the organization’s overall goals and objectives, and works to develop strategies that align with those goals. This involves analyzing market trends, identifying new business opportunities, and developing effective plans to capitalize on those opportunities.
  2. Effective Communication: Communication is key in business development. A successful Business Development Officer must be able to clearly and effectively communicate with team members, stakeholders, and potential partners. This includes presenting complex ideas in a simple, easy-to-understand way, and being able to listen actively and respond appropriately.
  3. Strong Relationship Building Skills: Building strong relationships is essential to success in business development. A successful Business Development Officer must be able to build and maintain positive relationships with a wide range of people, including customers, suppliers, and partners. This involves understanding their needs and interests, and working collaboratively to achieve common goals.
  4. Creative Problem Solving: S/he must be able to think creatively and solve problems quickly and effectively. This involves being able to analyze complex data, identify potential issues, and develop innovative solutions to address those issues.
  5. Flexibility and Adaptability: Business development is a constantly evolving field, and a successful Business Development Officer must be able to adapt quickly to changes in the market, the industry, and the organization. This involves being flexible, open-minded, and willing to try new approaches.

In summary, being a successful Business Development Officer requires a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, strong relationship building skills, creative problem solving, and flexibility and adaptability. By focusing on these key elements, s/he can chart the course for growth and success in today’s dynamic business environment.

Business Analyst

A Business Analyst is a professional who works to improve the efficiency and profitability of an organization. They do this by analyzing business processes, identifying areas of improvement, and recommending solutions.

The main responsibilities of a Business Analyst include:

1. Gathering requirements: This involves working with stakeholders to understand their needs and defining the requirements for a project.

2. Process mapping: The Business Analyst creates visual representations of business processes to help understand how they work.

3. Data analysis: They use data to identify trends, inefficiencies, and potential areas for improvement.

4. Solution design: The Business Analyst designs solutions to address the identified problems, considering factors like cost, feasibility, and impact.

5. Communication: They communicate their findings and recommendations to stakeholders and work with them to implement the solutions.

6. Project management: The Business Analyst may also be involved in managing the implementation of a solution, tracking progress, and ensuring that the project is delivered on time and within budget.

7. Stakeholder Management: The Business Analyst needs to work with a variety of stakeholders, including internal teams, customers, and vendors. They must be able to manage expectations, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships.

8. Technical Knowledge: Depending on the industry, a Business Analyst may need to have a basic understanding of technology and software systems. They should be familiar with tools like flowcharting software, project management software, and data analysis tools.

9. Adaptability: Business processes and requirements can change rapidly, and the Business Analyst must be able to adapt to these changes. They should have the ability to think critically and creatively to find new solutions.

10. Project Lifecycle: The Business Analyst should have a good understanding of the project lifecycle, from initiation to closure. This includes creating project charters, defining project scope, developing a project plan, and conducting post-implementation reviews.

11. Certifications: Many Business Analysts choose to earn certifications, such as the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) offered by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). These certifications demonstrate expertise and can help advance one’s career.

12. Continuous Learning: Technology and business practices are constantly evolving, and the Business Analyst must be willing to continuously learn and update their skills to remain relevant and effective in their role.

A Business Analyst may work in various industries, including finance, healthcare, technology, and retail. To become a Business Analyst, a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as business or computer science, is typically required. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and a solid understanding of business processes are also important for success in this role.

The role of a Business Analyst is dynamic and requires a combination of technical, analytical, and interpersonal skills. They play a critical role in helping organizations achieve their goals by improving processes, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency.

Why a Company needs Business Analyst?
A company needs a Business Analyst for several reasons, including:

1. Improving Business Processes: Business Analysts help identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in business processes, and recommend solutions to improve them. This leads to increased efficiency and productivity, which can result in cost savings and improved profitability for the company.

2. Increasing competitiveness: By continuously improving processes, the company can remain competitive in the market and meet the changing needs of its customers.

3. Managing projects effectively: Business Analysts can help manage projects by defining project scope, developing project plans, and ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget.

4. Understanding customer needs: Business Analysts work with stakeholders, including customers, to understand their needs and requirements. This helps the company design products and services that better meet the needs of its customers.

5. Identifying new business opportunities: By analyzing data and market trends, Business Analysts can identify new business opportunities and help the company pursue them.

6. Implementing new technology: Business Analysts can help the company implement new technology by assessing the feasibility and impact of technology solutions and ensuring that they are properly integrated into the business.

7. Improving decision-making: By providing data-driven insights and recommendations, Business Analysts can support informed decision-making, which can improve the overall success of the company.

Business Analyst as a Professional Job Position:

It is a professional position that requires a specific set of skills and knowledge, and it is a key role in many organizations. Business Analysts play a critical role in improving business processes, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency, which can have a significant impact on the success of an organization.

The role of a Business Analyst can be found in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, technology, and retail, among others. If you have the relevant education and experience, and possess the necessary skills and attributes, a career as a Business Analyst can be a rewarding and fulfilling option.

In conclusion, a Business Analyst plays a crucial role in helping organizations achieve their goals and remain competitive. They bring a unique combination of technical, analytical, and interpersonal skills to the table, and their contributions can have a significant impact on the success of a company.

Content Management System Specialist and His Duties

A CMS (Content Management System) specialist is a person who is responsible for maintaining and managing a content management system for an organization. This can include tasks such as configuring the CMS, adding and updating content, managing users, and ensuring the CMS is functioning properly.

A CMS specialist may work in a variety of industries, including media, publishing, e-commerce, and marketing. They may be responsible for managing websites, blogs, or other types of online platforms, and may work closely with content creators, designers, and developers to ensure the CMS is used effectively and efficiently.


Some of the specific duties of a CMS specialist may include:

  • Setting up and configuring the CMS, including choosing templates and designing layouts
  • Adding and updating content, including text, images, and multimedia
  • Managing users and permissions, including setting up user accounts and assigning roles
  • Maintaining the security and integrity of the CMS, including regular updates and backups
  • Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with the CMS
  • Analyzing and improving the performance and usability of the CMS
  • Collaborating with other team members to plan and implement new features and functionality for the CMS.

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Thus, to be a CMS specialist, you typically need to have strong technical skills and a good understanding of web development, as well as excellent communication and problem-solving skills. In addition, you should have a strong attention to detail and be able to work independently or as part of a team.

Career in Video Editing

Video editing in general means the act of arranging and manipulating video shots after they had been taken. It’s the process of creating the best video file with blend of sounds and images in the perfect flow. This in turn makes the viewers feel emotionally connected with our clip. And, it’s regarded as one of the most important job in the film industry.

Video Editors

Video Editors are the people who work in post processing to review and skim through all the recorded clips. Later, they incorporate sounds, visuals, dialogues and edit such raw files to create one distributable media. And, video editors use many digital and imaginative tools to assemble the video from the raw footage. They are the people who rearrange the video according to the clients, directors, company’s visions and aspirations. Many people also believe that post processing is one of the determining factors in the quality of the video file. So, it can either “Make or Break” ones entire video projects meaning Video editors play a massive role in the clips success.

Career in Video Editing

Now that you have the general idea about Video Editing, let’s move to the “Career in Video Editing”. Video Editors can use their skills across a massive range of career options. And, there is a massive demand for efficient video editors across the whole world. Considering this, we’ve listed some of the best career paths for Video editors to consider.

  1. Film Industry

Needless to say, the Film industry is one of the most prominent career in video editing. And, it’s one of the easiest way to appeal your video editing skills to the masses. Video editors in the Film industry mostly work on motion pictures, Independent Movies or even Short films. Here, it’s their job to edit the video files according to the director’s creative visions and aspirations. Also, they assemble the clips in a sequence while adding or removing footages, dialogues, visuals, sounds, effects and others.

  1. TV studio

A TV studio is one of the busiest work place for a video editor. Video Editors in a TV studio generally use their skills to make things happen in real time. And, this generally includes switching between cameras, overlay graphic visuals and many more. Similarly, one can also work on various TV formats like Documentaries, music videos, training videos, scripted sitcoms and more. Here, the job of the video editor is to pair these files with sound effects, visual effects and music’s to make them more engaging.

Might be interested in reading: Career as a Graphic Designer

  1. Event Video Editor

There are many precious events in one’s life that they want to capture in real time. They can be their marriage, birthdays and even the birth of their new borne. And, it’s the job of the Event Video Editor to capture and present them in a pleasing way. Similarly, there are plenty of such events occurring all over the worlds. So, there is plenty of work to go around and it’s one of the best way into video editing.

  1. Animators

Animations are moving images that create an illusion of moving when shown as a sequence. A Video editor in an animation studio usually works to develop and attach finishing touches in the Animations. They jobs can vary from studio to studio. But, the most common projects include TV show, Video Games, Commercials, Movies and others. Also, Video editors need to have high technical skills to develop and edit motion pictures or animations.

  1. Marketing Video Editor

Video Marketing is one of the most prominent method of advertising today. Most video editors working in marketing usually deal with informational, engaging and educational contents for the target audiences. Similarly, small marketing projects can sometimes only have a single Video editor working on them. Nonetheless, Video editors in Marketing usually work according to the company’s brands needs and requirements.

Career as a Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are professionals that specialize in graphics deigns and arts. They assemble, edit and publish various images, typography, motion graphics and others. Today Graphic designs is one of the best marketing tool that one can use today. And, it’s needed across all kinds of industries ranging from advertising, Marketing, Health Care, Publishing, digital communications and more. So, the demand for Graphic Designers is even higher as companies try to increase their digital presence.

Career as a Graphic Designer

Graphic designing is the best career for people who are creative thinkers and Art enthusiast with an attention to detail. Here, they can let their imaginations run wild to create all kinds of masterpieces. And, it’s the responsibility of Graphic Designers to display information in an appealing way to the viewer. Similarly, Graphic designing skills are easily transferable to other career choices as well. Considering this, we’ve listed the best careers that one can choose as a Graphic designer.

  1. Photo Editor

The first career that comes to everybody’s mind when it comes to graphic designing is the Photo Editor. The main job of Photo editors is to work in real-life images adjusting various parameters like colors, lightings, balance etc. All of this is to be done according to the client’s requirements and needs. For this career you should have pretty good knowledge of Photoshop’s and other editing software’s as required.

  1. Logo Designers

Logo Designers are the individuals tasked with developing captivating visual Graphics/Symbols that represent a company, brand, products or services. As such, they research both their target demographic and the company needs to create Graphics/Symbols that appeal to both parties. Also, Logo designers need to compare their designs to the existing ones in the market before publishing them. This prevents potential copyrights and help create an original design for the client.

  1. Web Designers

Web Designing is a process of creating/building websites through the combination of visual elements like Photos, Graphics, animations etc. And, it’s the responsibility of Web designers to build compelling ideas according to the client’s needs. Similarly, they are also tasked to develop engaging and fun landing pages for the website without compromising its overall speed. And, it’s one of the most popular and growing Graphic designing job in the market today.

Might be interested in reading: Career in Video Editing

  1. User Experience/Interface Designer

Both User Experience and Interface designers are tasked with creating a positive experience for people while interacting with digital goods. Here, User experience designers mostly work to provide the overall best experience to the users. But, User interface designers are tasked with creating the best interactive visual elements of a product. Also, User Interface designing is a part of the User experience designing. One can even apply for various UX/UI designing courses in universities to further their horizon.

  1. Advertising Designer

Advertising is one of the best way to flow information about a particular product or Service. And, Advertising designers use various graphics, sketching, effects, photography to create alluring marketing materials for the product or brand. This in turn increases its brand awareness and likely contributes to better overall sales. Now, Advertising designers may work on various promotional materials like magazines, Billboards, websites and others. All in All, it’s one of the most popular career choices for a Graphic Designer.

  1. Digital Artist

Digital Arts are modern artistic works made using digital technologies. Here, Artists use electronic Medias for their canvas and create their artistic pieces. And, Digital Artists mostly work for creating artworks that help sell videogames, Films and other similar products. Today, there is a huge demand for Digital Artists as the consumption of digital Medias is greater than ever before. And, many companies like film studios, Gaming companies, Publishers, Fashion brands etc. are in constant need of creative digital artists. So, it’s a great career choice for any Graphic designers.

Esewa VS Khalti – Everything You Need To Know About eSewa And Khalti

The world is running hot on the topic of digital payment, cashless payment, digital currencies lime bitcoins and all though bitcoin being banned in places. The point here is that the people are just ditching the trend of using hard cash and replacing them with digital form, more secure and convenient. The digital payment is the next big thing in the economic field, by getting rid of cash, we are dealing with so much of solutions to our insecurity related to the handling and keeping records of the income and tax and all. And it is so much convenient as well to pay for something right from the card or from your mobile device.

How many times you have actually forgot your wallet at home and spent a day like broke like hell? Well I have done it couple of times but mobile wallet came to the rescue. It’s so much easier as you just need to load your wallet with fund and you are good to go. You can pay with your wallet at most of the places given your locality and its development. Payment gateway like PayPal, has been there for long time enough to motivate more people to use and make use of digital payment and discourage the use of hard cash.

Online Payment History in Nepal

The history of banking in Nepal took a very big leap with implementation of mobile and internet banking. This technological advancement encouraged people to utilize their banking system and habit to its fullest. Kumari bank is the first bank to initiate internet banking in Nepal as in 2002. It was soon accompanied by Laxmi Bank by its mobile (SMS) banking in 2004. Internet now being accessible at nearly every nooks and corner of Nepal, the internet banking has seen an adequate increase in usage. Hard cash at upper levels with larger amounts were replaced with the bank issued cheque.

Recently, the trend has been climbing not only stairs but taking elevator to climb with the availability of credit/debit cards, e-banking, online banking etc. Walking around with huge sum of money has been the safest as you nearly don’t have to carry them literally as online banking takes care of it. You feel safer, more secured and mostly free from hassle of carrying the cash everywhere around.

Though the bank is to take all the credits regarding the introduction of online banking in Nepal, it actually was “Fonepay” by F1 Soft International which gave new dimension to the whole online payment gateway game in early 2000s. It provided not only the SMS banking feature, but people could also receive remittance through mobile phones. It was then followed by “HelloPaisa” founded in year 2009 to help bank clients pay bills, send/receive money within Nepal, receive money from abroad, and purchasing airtime from mobile phones of through merchants.

The growing trend for the payment gateway soon knocked on Nepal’s door asking for the advancement in the technology, it was then F1 Soft International introduced eSewa to Nepali economy. With eSewa, customers were not bound with the barrier of having a particular bank to benefit from the usage. It soon became the most talked thing in Nepali market and still is kicking hard. With eSewa, gone were those days when you actually needed to be in huge queue to pay your bills, with offices being all over which was seriously a pain. eSewa enabled the users to pay utility bills right from their finger tips all at one place. It has partnered with many banks here in Nepal and has many numbers if registered vendors all over which makes the task on step further in terms of ease.

Other similar digital wallet service providers like Khalti has not been far behind eSewa in terms of functionality and providing services. Khalti meaning “pocket” in English acts as its name suggests, you just need to load it up and can spend from the pocket later on. Khalti has been providing merchant payment, fund transfer, utility payment etc. to its happy customers. Utilizing the benefits of banking has not been this easy and fun as service providers like eSewa and Khalti has been providing.

How Online Payment System works?

eSewa vs Khalti - Online Payment System

Online payment is a process of transaction of money electronically or with involving the actual money. This is generally made with the help of internet service. The buying and selling of goods are known as trade and the exchange of money for trade is known as transaction. The transaction part in the trade is done electronically using the online payment services. They generally take place between the customer and merchant bank with the involvement of third party service provider known as payment gateway.

For the online payment to happen, the merchant and customers have to have an account for the online payment. The steps involving the online payment is as follows:

  1. Customer submits the payment information to the merchant about the amount to be paid.
  2. The merchant then submits the payment information to the online payment gateway.
  3. The online payment gateway submits the payment information to the payment processor.
  4. The payment processor authorizes the payment and responds to the payment gateway.
  5. The gateway responds back to the merchant.
  6. The merchant responds to the customer.

Also Read: Nepal Idol vs The Voice of Nepal | Singing Reality Television Show In Nepal

If this wasn’t good enough, lets take an example of David. David is a smart guy with knowledge of the online payment system, he heads to a store in his locality stating “online payment received”. He enters the store, buys his stuffs and heads to the counter for making payment. The merchant gives him the number $$$ to be paid. David makes his payment through the service provider received by the merchant. Merchant hands him the bill and he’s going home after that. It feels like this is hell lot of easy task but the mechanism involved is tricky. The payment David made, was either from his mobile wallet or bank. David requests the payment money, through say bank to the merchant bank. He provides the payment information to the merchant, merchant provides the same information to the payment gateway which was the moderator of this process. The payment gateway provides the information to the payment processor, in this case merchant bank. The payment processor verifies the information and the information flows back the sae line to the customer. But this process isn’t slow, it is fast enough that the customer doesn’t have to stay there waiting for the payment to be approved. Hence, the payment is successfully made without any hassle of keeping the actual hard cash with you. Merchant should follow the security requirements for the safe transaction. The transfer needs to be done over the secure encrypted connection.

Online Payment System Provider in Nepal

Online payment has been a hot trend in the Nepali market given its ease of access and hassle-free processing of payments. There are few we would discuss and hope for more and more service providers to emerge making payment system more efficient and easier. Two of such payment system providers are eSewa and Khalti.


eSewa vs khalti - eSewa Digital Wallet

eSewa is the very first payment gateway of Nepal, developed by F1 Soft International in Nepal. It was developed in 2009 and gained popularity recently with the increasing trend of use of online payment system worldwide. It was started for providing online payment services through a mobile application and web services. eSewa has provided services like utility bill payment (electricity bill, drinking water bill, telephone bills, etc), mobile top-up (mobile recharge), internet bill payment, EMI payment, movies, airlines and bus ticket booking, school fees payment, credit card bills payment, etc.

F1 Soft International is one of the most renowned mobile application developer company for banks in Nepal. Most of the banking application that are used by the customers for their respective banks is developed by the F1 Soft company. More than 90% of the financial institutions of Nepal have implemented services provided by F1 Soft company which includes SMS banking, Mobile banking and internet banking.

eSewa is licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) as a legal payment service provider. Hence, it is one of the most trusted payment service providers by the customers as well. Merchants, service providers, and retail outlets can receive payments for goods and services in their wallet instantly with the use of eSewa as payment means.

Services Offered by eSewa

Following is the service it provides to the users:

  1. Fund transfer: With this service provided by eSewa, send and receive money to and from other eSewa users.
  2. School Fee Payment: eSewa has partnered with a few schools and Montessori which accept the payment through eSewa providing the ease of paying from home.
  3. Buying cinema tickets: You can buy movie tickets for major Multiplexes online via eSewa.
  4. Buying plane tickets: Option for buying tickets through partnered airlines company gives you accessibility of booking tickets from home.
  5. Utility bill payment: Many government offices like NEA and Khanepani has been providing ease to pay the utility bills from home.
  6. Recharge, Top-ups and cash back: it has been providing online recharge and top-ups for NTC, Ncell and smart cell, DishHome, ISP payments, and others with cash back offered in some transactions as a treat for using the services.
  7. Send/Receive Remittance: it has collaborated with Western Union as exclusive digital remittance partner proving as a platform for sending and receiving the remittance.
  8. Credit card payment: e-Sewa accepts credit card payments for banks like Nabil Bank, Global IME Bank, NMB Bank, Prabhu Bank, Laxmi Bank, Citizens Bank, NIC Asia Bank etc.
  9. eSewa Partner banks:
Ace Development Bank Limited Bank of Kathmandu Lumbini Citizens Bank International Everest Bank
Excel Development Bank Gandaki development Bank Garima Bikas Bank Global IME Bank
Gurkhas Finance Janata Bank Jyoti Bikas Bank Kailash Bikas Bank
Kamana Bikas Bank Kanchan Development Bank Kumari Bank Laxmi Bank
Machhapuchchhre Bank Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Manaslu Bikas Bank Mega Bank Limited
Mission Development Bank Muktinath Bikas Bank Nabil Bank NCC Bank
Nepal Bangladesh Bank NIC Asia OM Development Bank Prabhu Bank
Prime Commercial Bank Purnima Bikas Bank Rastra Banijya Bank Reliable development Bank
Sajha Bikas Bank Sanima Bank Sewa Bikas Bank Shangrila Development Bank
Shine Resunga Development Bank Siddhartha Development Bank Sunrise Bank Tinau Bikas Bank
Tourism Development Bank Tribeni Bikas Bank United Finance Yeti Development Bank

More Banks added in the present context. See All Here: 

 Also Read: Richest People of Nepal | The Top 10

  1. Online Purchase: Many online shopping places partnered with eSewa provide you the opportunity of paying through eSewa for the purchases made similar to how we would do with credit or debit card.

Create eSewa Account

  • Visit on the browser of your choice.
  • Click on Register on top right corner.
  • You will encounter a new page, fill in the details.
  • When you enter your mobile number, you will receive a confirmation message and then a message on your phone with OTP.
  • On entering the OTP in the form with strong password, you will receive new message with your MPIN.
  • MPIN is the important code that you will require to enter every time you make a transaction.
  • With recent change in rules, you have to fill a KYC form given in the application itself with your details and get verified.
  • After verification, you can load your eSewa wallet from nearest vendor or your bank and enjoy the services provided by the eSewa.


eSewa vs Khalti - Khalti Digital Wallet

Khalti is one stop solution for the payment gateway that provides services including mobile recharge, bill payment, fund transfer and many more. It is operated and owned by Sparrow Pay Pvt. Ltd, with its parent company being Janaki Technology. It was introduced in January 26, 2017. Khalti is not just a digital wallet, it’s an entire payment ecosystem which provides services like scan to pay to person to third party merchants.
Khalti is named after the traditional Nepali word which means “pocket” in English, giving us the clear idea about what the developers intended to do with it. The team has come up with an optimistic faith in taking the Khalti payment system to the global market.

The hard-cash still holds major part of payment system in all over Nepal and digital payments though having already occupied a fair amount place in transaction system all around the world, it is still needs nurturing in Nepal. Many more payment gateway and merchants need to get their feet in the digital payment thing to fully eliminate the hard-cash use in Nepali market.

The advantages of eliminating the hard-cash has positive benefits to the user and the government as any hidden costs will be eliminated, there will be proper bills provided for even smaller transactions, black money can be minimized and many more other benefits are present like hassle free payment system and all.

Services provided by Khalti

Khalti being young and developing payment system in Nepal compared what eSewa has to offer, there are services offered that might not be as competitive but is definitely worth mentioning. No one knows what future holds, but we definitely need to keep trying to achieve what we always dreamed of. This is exactly what Sparrow Pay Pvt. Ltd. thinks of about Khalti. Some of the services provided by Khalti are given below.

  1. Electricity Bill: You can pay your electricity bill right from your mobile, just open Khalti app, select electricity payment, select your counter and enter the customer number. That’s it, you just paid you electricity bill in matters of seconds.
  2. DTH and ISP: You can recharge your DTH connection and pay you ISP bill right from the Khalti app.
  3. Mobile Balance Top-Up: You can recharge your mobile phone with the fund you have in your Khalti wallet, you will also get an attractive cash back on certain transactions.
  4. Movie Ticketing: Buying a movie ticket staying in queue is such an old thing with Khalti app in phone, you can buy a ticket to your favourite movie in number partnered multiplexes.
  5. Airline ticketing: While buying an airline ticket, you don’t have to think twice now, just open the app and buy a ticket for where you want to go.
  6. Water bill: Just like the electricity bill, you can pay water bill of few selected counter in the app.

Khalti Fund Transfer

Khalti provides relish and instant fund transfer through Khalti wallet.

  • Bank to Wallet: you can load your wallet from the partnered banks of Khalti payment system.
  • Wallet to Wallet: Requesting and sending funds from one khalti user to another is fun thing to do. It is very easy and fast also.
  • Wallet to Bank: Suppose you have been sent money to your Khalti wallet and you want it in your Bank account, guess what, you can transfer your wallet funds to your bank account as well.
  • KIOSKS to Wallet: There are ATM like machines over many places where you can load funds from in your wallet.

Khalti Partner Banks

The bank is the most supporting part of the payment system. As many number of banks support your service, the more number of user you can attract to use your system.

Bank Of Kathmandu Civil Bank Everest Bank Limited Garima Bikas Bank
 Global IME Kumari Bank Machhapuchchhre bank Mega Bank
Muktinath Bank NIC Asia NMB Nepal Investment Bank Limited
Prabhu bank Central Finance Deva Bikas Bank Excel Development Bank
Gandaki Bikash Bank Gurkhas Finance Himalayan Bank ICFC bittiya sansthan
Jebil’s Finance Kailash Bikash Bank Kanchan Development Bank Karnali Development Bank
Lalitpur Finance Laxmi Bank Manjushree Finance Nabil Bank
Nepal Bank Nepal Community Dev Bank Om Development Bank Pokhara Finance
Purnima Bikash Bank Reliance Finance Srijana Finance Standard Chartered
Sunrise Bank Century Bank

More Banks added in the present context. See All Here:

Create Khalti Account

The account for the Khalti can be created via web and mobile app.

Via web

  • Visit on browser of your choice
  • Enter your details like Name, mobile number, email address and a password on the sign up form at the top-right corner of the page
  • Click on ‘Join’
  • You will get a verification code on the mobile number you entered
  • Enter the verification code
  • Once you enter the verification code, click on ‘Verify’
  • Your account will be created

Via app

  • Launch your Khalti app
  • Tap on ‘LET’S GET STARTED’
  • Enter your Name, mobile number, email address and a password on the sign-up form
  • Tap on ‘SIGN UP’
  • You will get a verification code on the mobile number you entered
  • Enter the verification code
  • Once you enter the verification code, click on ‘Verify’
  • Your account will be created

eSewa and Khalti comparison | eSewa vs Khalti

eSewa vs Khalti - Digital Payment System in Nepal

Let’s make a quick comparison between these payment service providers and see what the verdicts have to say.

System eSewa Khalti
Started 2009 2017
Offered by F1 Soft International Sparrow Pay Pvt. Ltd
Services Online payment within Nepal

Utilities Payments

-Electricity Bill

-Internet Bill


-Mobile Top Up

-Credit Card Bill

-School/College Fees



-Merchants, service providers and retail outlets can Send/receive payments

Online payment within Nepal

Utilities Payments

-Electricity Bill

-Internet Bill


-Mobile Top Up

-Credit Card Bill

-School/College Fees



Application iOS/Android iOS/Android
Registration Free Free
Associate banks 45+ 40+
Security Secure Secure
Global and Nepal Alexa Ranking Global – 48,863

Nepal – 34

(Rank may change)

Global – 283,661

Nepal – 219

(Rank may change)

Refer and Earn No Yes
App Downloads 500,000+ 100,000+
App Rank(finance) #1 #3
Scan and Pay No Yes
Licensed by NRB Yes No

Final Verdict

Just by looking at few of the differences, you can see that there are advantages in both the systems. Keeping in mind in usability and convenience, lets see some of the differences.

User Trust

People will always go after the most trusted ones. In terms of user trust, eSewa is ahead of Khalti. Huge market, larget number of merchants and associated banksis what favours eSewa and the fact that it is licensed by NRB.

User Interface

User interface is something that can change the way user will interact with the system. Khalti has minimalistic design and eSewa has recently updated how it looks. Because of heavy UI, khalti occupies more space than eSewa.


Both the eSewa and khalti is secured by 128-bit VeriSign SSL Certificate also Khalti has SSL Certificate.

User Votes

On creating polls, eSewa is the system that is chosen by users.

Now the question arises, which would you prefer? Well, it comes down to the personal preferences. The only meaningful difference is that eSewa is a settled and old but Khalti is new and still developing. Hence, for me, eSewaa works like a charm.

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

A strong will, determination and hard work are needed to reach to the success point. Money is known as the indicator of success: to maintain the high class and status in any society of the world. Best entrepreneurs are taken as identical examples and offer comparative fundamental attributes. Through their hard work, strong determination and persistence, there are some Nepalese who fortune changed over time and are entitled the richest people.

These are Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal:

  1. Binod Chaudhary

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Binod Chaudhary is a Nepalese businessman, industrialist and philanthropist and also the first Nepali to be listed on the Forbes list of Billionaire. He has property of the net worth of $ 1.7 billion. He is the current chairman of Chaudhary Group Nepal. Chaudhary Group also known as CG is one of the most famous group in Nepal with nearly 80 companies all over Nepal and the number is increasing. The Wai Wai is one of the most famous noodle in Nepal and different part of India produced by the CG group. He is also found to be involved in the different other companies in and outside the nation.

April 2022 Update (From the information of Wikipedia):
Breaking News: Binod Chaudhary becomes 1349th richest man in the world with 1.7 billion USD net worth…
Last time he was in 1563rd position with 1.5 billion USD.

June 2022 Update:
Nepal’s only Billionaire Binod Chaudhary has reached to 1917th position with net worth of $1.5 Billion in the recent Forbes Billionaire Ranking.

  1. Shesh Ghale

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Shesh Ghale is the former President of NRNA (Non-Resident Nepalese Associations), business entrepreneur, founder is considered third richest man in Nepal currently residing in Melbourne city. He is also the CEO of MIT (Melbourne Institute of Technology) along with Jamuna Gurung, a co-founder and Director of the Institute. He was also ranked as the 99th richest person in Australia in the 2015 BRW Rich 200.

2021 Update (From the information of Wikipedia):
Breaking News: Non-Nepali resident Shesh Ghale’s net worth crossed $1 billion and becomes 2nd Nepal born billionaire after Binod Chaudhary. According to the AFR’s report, the couple has a net worth of $1.01 billion, a rise from $876 million last year.

  1. Upendra Mahato

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Upendra Mahato is Nepalese origin businessman, currently living in Russia, where he is the president of the Russia-Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry and also the owner of the television factory in Voronezh, Russia. He is the honorary consul General of Nepal in the Republic of Belarus and was the former president of International Coordination Council ( ICC)

He had started his business as the electronic trader and now is estimated net worth is $250million to $1 billion. Currently, he has oil, electronics and real estate based in Russia with a million dollars worth of projects.

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  1. Ajay Sumargi

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Ajay Sumargi, Estimated to worth 20-50 million, Chairman of Muktishree Group of Companies, is also one of the famous entrepreneurs of Nepal and among one of few Billionaire of Nepal. He is also the founding member of the telecommunication Spice Nepal with the brand name Mero Mobile which is now popularly known as Ncell, which started its operation with an investment of two billion.

In 2016, Ajay Sumargi has invested in dozens of business and commercials projects in Nepal which includes Muktishree telecom, a telecommunications company, Muktishree hydro, a hydropower company, Himalayas spring water, Hetauda academy and the national college for higher education (NCHE).

  1. Aditya Jha

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Aditya Jha is among the Nepal’s one of the richest person in Nepal who is a non-resident Nepalese with original birth at Janakpur, Nepal. He is a Canada based entrepreneur, philanthropist and social activist startups with the net worth over $ 100 million. Aditya Jha is a Nepalese Canadian Entrepreneur, and company turnarounds with interests in Canada, India, Thailand and Nepal. He is the owner of Osellus inc, a software firm owner of karma candy, a world famous chocolate manufacturer. His migrated to Canada in 24 years back and joined bell Canada and later became the general manager there.

  1. Jiba Lamichhane

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Jiba Lamichhane, millionaire businessman based in Moscow whose original birth place is Nepal. He is estimated networth more than $100 million He had gone Russia in 1986 for engineering and there he worked as a dealer for Samsung, Sony, and LG. He is currently the Managing Director of TV manufacturing company called Techno Trust makes and delivers Elson Brand LCD TVs for the Russian Market and now is one of the top Nepali people in Russia to successfully trade electronics goods. He also has been working in collaboration with Dr. Upendra Mahato.

Also Read: Nepal Idol vs The Voice of Nepal – Singing Reality Television Show

  1. Pashupati Shumsher Rana

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Pashupati Shumsher Rana,  a politician from Rana Dynasty, was termed as one of the richest people of Nepal during the King rule with the net worth higher than King and still is one of the richest people of Nepal. He is estimated net worth is more than $250million. He is a chairperson of Rashtriya Prajatantra party and in back days used to own Nepal gas Nepal. Nepal Gas is company that is dominating the fuel supply industry in Nepal for many years.

During Panchayat era he served as Minister of Panchayat and Local Development (1986-1988), Ministry of Transport and Tourism (1978-1979) and various other full ministers and state ministers and after that era served as Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Nepal), Ministry of Finance (Nepal), Ministry of Water Resources and Communication (1990-1994), Minister of Water Resources (1995-1997 & 1997-1998).

  1. Balram Chainrai

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal
Pic: Daily Mail

Balram Chainrai, the son of P.G. Chainrai, a British Gorkha Army, is a businessman related to real estate and electronics. He is of Nepali origin and but migrated to Hongkong with his family since his father was a British Army. Chainrai can speak several languages and is fluent in Cantonese, English and Sindhi. He started his business career quite early in life and is now a leading businessman in Hong Kong. His company manufactures and trades electronics goods, home appliances, toys, distribution of computers and related accessories, and trade finance activities.

  1. Rajendra Khetan

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Considered as one of the most successful businessmen in Nepal with net worth is $100-$500Million, Rajendra  Khetan leads one of the oldest business of Nepal, the Ketan Group. The oldest among three brother,  Khetan currently is also the chairman of Laxmi Bank and Prime Life Insurance. The Khetan group has more than 13 organizations operating currently and has become important economic part all over Nepal.

  1. Jamuna Gurung

Top 10 Richest Person of Nepal

Born in Lamjung, Jamuna Gurung is the 8th richest woman in Australia who is estimated net worth is more than $260Million. She is Co-founder and managing director of Melbourne ITechnology along with her husband Shesh Ghale. Jamuna went to Australia in 1991 for studies and graduated with a Bachelor of Business majoring in Marketing and Management from the Swinburne University of Technology. She came with an intention of completing her studies but ended up being the owner of a huge campus with a combined net worth of $435 Million.